Monday, May 11, 2009

Step One: The Idea

Recently I've been thinking about designing a game and what goes into it. I have no idea where I would start, aside from an idea. Once I have that where would I go? Create a small mock up? Design the in-game systems? Start character design? Write a back story? I guess I'll start with the obvious: the idea.

The first part would be to start with what kind of game it will be. I've had many ideas, but I think my two favorite would have to be a Strategy/RPG hybrid and a squad based Strategy/Action/RPG. The one I'm leaning towards is the Strategy/Action/RPG, mainly because I've got a few ideas for it. So lets move onto the next part: the setting.

Since I've been thinking about it I've had about 100 different settings go through my mind. Mage Knight, Magic the Gathering, D&D, Warhammer(Fantasy and 40K), Warmachine, Mechwarrior, my own settings, cyberpunk, steampunk, and many more. But what we would be fit for a great game? It all depends on the style of game you want to go for. For example: a strategy game would fit great into Mage Knight or Warhammer, however they wouldn't translate real well into an RPG or Card Game. My Strategy/RPG hybrid idea would fit in with Magic the Gathering, but I am not going to use that as my example as I don't have too many ideas as of yet. My interests lie with the Strategy/Action/RPG. I think a game like that would translate amazingly into the Warhammer 40K universe. Think about a faux first person shooter with squad based commands, the ability to switch freely between squads, command all squads from a top down perspective, and have RPG elements mixed in there. Sounds like a great game to me!

Now we have our setting and our game type: a Strategy/Action/RPG set in the Warhammer 40K universe. What about game play? I was thinking over the shoulder(third person) faux shooter. When I say faux shooter I mean one that doesn't rely totally on skill, it also relies on the stats of your character or the equipment. Which is also where the RPG element comes in with equipment and character stats. There won't be any levels, but there will be some form of advancement.

With any game we need a decent single player option with a healthy dose of PvP. Being in the 40K universe it's going to have a gritty art style set in the far future. It'll include the ability to pilot vehicles or leave them to their own desires. Each map will be broken down into smaller "zones" that can be controlled, each map will have specific advantages to controlling it(for example a communication uplink or production facility). The overall goal of the game is to capture and control as many planets as possible.

We've gotten a pretty good idea of what we want, which was the goal. We want: a Strategy/Action/RPG set in the Warhammer 40K universe with squad based combat, top down strategy control for squads, "zone" control, and no levels. That's the basic idea I've got in my head. The next step is going to be fleshing out the difference pieces of the ideas presented here. It also happens to be where alot of the features sorted through and gives a pretty good idea of what the final product will look like.

Until next time!