Another School Quarter
I started another quarter about 2 weeks ago. This one ought to be pretty interesting as I have an internship for Novell. So far it has gone rather well and I think we are going to impress them. This is good for all of us as it is real world experience and maybe even a job offer ;)
Hopefully this quarter I can get one or two of my Microsoft Certifications in; my Windows App and Web Application certifications. If not then I will have plenty of time next quarter with only one class and then projects in the afternoon. All is going according to plan so I will be out in two more quarters after this one, so I really need to work on the certifications =P I would like to get my Java ones but I don't think that is going to happen as it is going to take a lot of time.
Anyway that is it for me. Tune in next time with my status of World of Warcraft post.